Virtual Program
Tuesday 10 August
Live imaging of cell, tissue and organisms
10.00 - 12.00
Facility Manager Meeting
Chair: Pam Young
This session is only available by Invitation only.
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12.00 - 12.45 | BREAK
12.50 - 14.25 | Session 1: Live Imaging of cell, tissue and organisms
Chairs: Michael Kuligowski and Sarah Ellis
12.50 - 13.00 | Meeting Chair Welcome
Speaker: Renee Whan
13.35 - 14.25 | Scientific Presentations
- Lighting up the pathways of caspase activation
Assistant Professor Lisa Bouchier-Hayes, Texas Children’s Hospital - Shedding light onto the structural secrets inside pluripotent stem cells in real-time
Dr Jennifer Zenker, Monash University - Deterministic early endosomal maturation driven by EEA1 noise suppression
Mr Harrison York, Monash University
(1 x 20min + 2 x 10 min with 10min Q&A)
14.25 - 14.35 | BREAK
14.35 - 16.00 | Session 2: Live Imaging of cell, tissue and organisms
Chairs: Nigel Waterhouse and Sam Stehbens
15.10 - 16.00 | Scientific Presentations
- Understanding growth and function of the vasculature through imaging
Dr Emma Gordon, Institute for Molecular Bioscience - Intravital imaging of mammary stem cells during organogenesis
Dr Caleb Dawson, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute - Establishing a functional organoid model of placental development
Ms Claire Richards, University of Technology Sydney
(1 x 20min + 2 x 10min + 10min Q&A)
16.00 - 16.10 | BREAK
16.10 - 18.00 | Session 3: Live Imaging of cell, tissue and organisms
Chairs: Paul Timpson & Paul Macmillan
16.10 - 17.00 | Technique in Focus
- In situ visualisation of the plasma cell niche in blood cancer and autoimmunity.
Associate Professor Edwin Hawkins, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute - Intravital imaging technology guides FAK mediated priming in pancreatic cancer precision medicine according to Merlin status
Ms Kendall Murphy, Garvan Medical Research Institute - Intravital subcellular and single molecule imaging reveals multiple actin filament populations collaborate in the remodelling of the secretory granule membrane
Mr Marco Heydecker, UNSW Sydney
(1 x 20min + 2 x 10min + 10 min Q&A)
17.00 - 18.00 | Plenary
Wednesday 11 August
Image processing and analysis
12.50 - 14.25 | Session 4: Image processing and analysis
Chairs: Ellie Cho and Elvis Pandzic
12.50 - 13.00 | Session Start
13.00 - 13.35 | Keynote
13.35 - 14.25 | Scientific Presentations
- SNT: a unifying toolbox for quantitative neuroanatomy
Dr Tiago Ferreira, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus - Automated annotation and visualisation of high-resolution spatial proteomic mass spectrometry imaging data using HIT-MAP
Associate Professor Thomas Cox, Garvan Medical Research Institute - Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging (MIBI) analysis pipeline: in situ characterisation of tissue architecture by open-source analysis
Ms Nina Tubau Ribera, Walter and Eliza Institute
(1 x 20min + 2 x 10min + 10min Q&A)
14.25 - 14.35 | BREAK
14.35 - 16.00 | Session 5: Image processing and analysis
Chairs: Nela Durisic and Will Hughes
15.10 - 16.00 | Scientific Presentations
- A novel toolkit for the spatial analysis of multiplexed microscopy images
Dr Anna Trigos, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre - Gut Analysis Toolbox
Dr Pradeep Rajasekhar, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute - Comparison of Quantitative Image Analysis Methods: Different Ways To Study Fenestrations In Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells
Ms Karolina Szafranska, University of Tromsø, Norway - A Semi-automated Method Quantifying Changes in IL-1beta Co-localising with Different Neural Cell Types in Mouse Brain, in Response to Long-term Hypercapnia.
Ms Emma O’Rourke, UNSW Sydney
(4 x 10min + 10 min Q&A)
16.00 - 16.10 | BREAK
16.10 - 18.00 | Session 6: Image processing and analysis
Chairs: Lachlan Whitehead and Kathryn Hall
16.10 - 17.00 | Technique in Focus - Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence in Bioimage Analysis
Professor Erik Meijering, UNSW Sydney - Automated segmentation of glomeruli in mouse kidneys using machine learning
Dr Somesh Mehra, CSL Innovation, Melbourne - Super-resolved view of PfCERLI1, a rhoptry associated protein essential for Plasmodium falciparum merozoite invasion of erythrocytes
Dr Sonja Frolich, University of Adelaide
(1 x 20min + 2 x 10min + 10min Q&A)
17.00 - 18.00 | Plenary
18.00 - 19.00 | Social hour and Trivia
Thursday 12 August
Advanced and developmental microscopy
12.50 - 14.25 | Session 7: Advanced and developmental microscopy
Chairs: Liisa Hirvonen and Kelly Rogers
12.50 - 13.00 | Session Start
13.00 - 13.50 | Scientific Presentations
SRRF ‘n’ TIRF – Simultaneous spatiotemporal super-resolution and multiparametric fluorescence microscopy
Professor Thorsten Wohland, National University of Singapore - Super-resolving the nanoscale dynamics of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type-A intoxication in hippocampal neurons
Dr Merja Joensuu, Queensland Brain Institute - Imaging the trans-synaptic transfer mechanism of rabies virus.
Dr Vinod Sundaramoorthy, Deakin University
(1 x 20min + 2 x 10min + 10 min Q&A)
13.50 - 14.25 | Keynote
14.25 - 14.35 | BREAK
14.35 - 16.00 | Session 8: Advanced and developmental microscopy
Chairs: Louse Cole and Senthil Arumugam
14.35 - 15.15 | Vendor Talks
- Imaging Biological Structures of cells below 100nm using SIM
Carl Zeiss – Gavin Symonds - Adaptive Optics and Adaptive Illumination – Key Ingredients for 3D and Live Cell STED superresolution
Lastek – Carola Thoni - Latest developments of Luxendo lightsheet in advancing Life Science applications
Scitech – Zheng Chao
(3 x 10min + 5 min Q&A)
15.10 - 16.00 | Scientific Presentations
- Cellular remodelling during necroptosis characterized by live cell imaging
Dr Ying Zhang, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute - A super-resolution microscopy study of drug-induced microtubule filament dysfunction
Dr Ashley Rozario, Monash - Building and Using a Multifunctional Single Molecule/Super-Resolution Microscope
Dr Donna Whelan, La Trobe University - Imaging of interactions and inhibition of hGIIA in prostate cancer cells
Mr Timothy Mann, Western Sydney University
(4 x 10min + 10min Q&A)
16.00 - 16.10 | BREAK
16.10 - 17.45 | Session 9: Advanced and development microscopy
Chairs: Renee Whan and Sue Lindsay
16.10 - 16.45 | Vendor Talks
16.45 - 17.35 | Vale Katharina Gaus, In memoriam
Speakers: Eleanor Kable, Dylan Owen, Liz Hinde, Jan Ellenberg, Enrico Gratton
(5 x 10min)
17.35 - 17.45 | Concluding Remarks
Speakers: Renee Whan and Louise Cole